Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Back to Yoga

After a long break, I've finally decided to go back to practicing yoga again. Last Sunday was my first class after stopping for a couple of years. I used to go to the Yoga Gallery religiously to practice Ashtanga Yoga, a form of yoga that is popularly known as Power Yoga. The school closed down after a fire, and my routine got interrupted. After that, one of the teachers opened her own school, called Maya Yoga. I went on and off for a period of time and finally just quit totally. Maya Yoga is now right across the street from my new office. It is almost like a sign, calling me back. So, I made up my mind. Of course, I went back to the Intro class because I have a lot to catch up. I dragged Nicole, my coworker, with me, so at least I have someone to moan to after the class. During the class, I really felt like as if I've never done Yoga before. It was so hard to start after a long break. I could only do half of what I did before! And today, I am so sore, I could barely take off my t-shirt. However I feel great knowing that I've done something really good for my body, which I haven't pushed myself so much for a long time. I've been slacking on making myself fit and it long overdue. I'm looking forward to this coming Sunday for the next class, and I know it's going to get easier each time, because I've done it before.

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